How to use the cluster

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HPC Cluster usage

Connection Steps:

  1. Ensure that you have an internet connection to Concordia (via Ethernet / Wifi), or that you are on Concordia's VPN:
  2. To login to the cluster:
    ssh <concordia_netname>@perform-hpc
    Please note that if this is your first time trying to login, you might receive a permission denied error, and then you will have to try the process 5 minutes later.
  3. After you login it might ask you for your password a second time to create a keytab that allows you access the storage server - please do so.
  4. Once that is complete you can now start using the cluster. The login node (perform-hpc) should only be used for the uploading and downloading of data. In order to process data or use scientific packages, you'll need to ssh to a server. You can do this by typing:

Usage Steps:

  1. Before you begin working or submit a job, you'll need to load the appropriate paths ("modules") of each program you wish to use. To see what modules are available you can type:
    module avail
    ------------------------------------------------------ /util/modules/repo ------------------------------------------------------
    AFNI/16.2.18                                     matlab/R2017a
    AFNI/19.0.21                                     matlab/R2017b
    Anaconda/4.2.0_using_python2.7.12                matlab/R2018b
    Anaconda/4.2.0_using_python3.5.2                 matlab/R2018b_local
    Anaconda/5.0.1_using_python3.6.3                 minc-stuffs/0.1.16_built_with_minc-1.0.08
    Anaconda/5.2.0_using_python2.7.15                minc-stuffs/0.1.16_built_with_minc-1.9.11
    ANTs/2016-09-19                                  minc-toolkit/1.0.08
    ANTs/2.2.0                                       minc-toolkit/1.9.11
    ANTs/2.3.1                                       minc-toolkit/1.9.15(default)
    ARPACK/96                                        minc-toolkit/1.9.16
    ARPACK-NG/3.4.0                                  mipav/7.3.0(default)
    brainstorm/3                                     mipav/7.4.0
    brain-view2/0.1.1_built_with_minc-1.9.11         mni_cortical_statistics/0.9.4
    BrainVISA/4.2.1                                  MRIcroGL/2016-10-10
    BrainVISA/4.4.0                                  MRIcron/2016-10-12
    BrainVISA/4.5.0                                  MRtrix3/2018-05-16
    dcm2niix/1.0.20171017                            NIAK/1.1.4
    dcm2niix/1.0.20171215                            NIAK/1.1.4_dep
    dcm2niix/1.0.20181125                            octave/4.2.0
    dicom-toolkit/3.6.1                              OpenCV/3.1.0
    FID-A/1.0                                        oxford_asl/3.9.15
    FID-A/2017-06-07                                 ParaView/5.2.0
    FID-A/2017-08-02                                 pyminc/0.48
    FreeSurfer/5.3.0                                 R/3.1.3
    FreeSurfer/6.0.0                                 R/3.3.1
    FSL/5.0.10(default)                              R/3.5.1
    FSL/5.0.11                                       REST/1.8
    FSL/5.0.9                                        RMINC/
    Gannet/2.0                                       RMINC/
    ITK/4.9.1                                        SCT/3.2.7
    Mango/4.0.1                                      SPM/12_r6685
    matlab/R2015a                                    surfstat/2008-09-26
    matlab/R2016a                                    VTK/6.2.0
    matlab/R2016b(default)                           VTK/7.1.0
    matlab/R2016b2                                   xjView/9
  2. Load your desired module: (note that the command below defaults to the latest version of the package. If you want a specific version, you need to specify it - i.e. module load minc-toolkit/1.0.08 . You should also take note of what version you use, so you can use the same one in a future analysis. Also, don't type the (default) suffix"):
    module load minc-toolkit
  3. You can uload modules with:
    module unload <module_name>
  4. You can remove all loaded modules with:
    module purge
  5. If you forget which ones are loaded, you can List the ones your have loaded with:
    module list
  6. If your module requires other modules to function, it will inform you to load them:
    user@perf-hpc01:/util/modules$ module load spm
    spm/12_r6685(3):ERROR:151: Module 'spm/12_r6685' depends on one of the module(s) 'matlab/R2016b matlab/R2016a'
    spm/12_r6685(3):ERROR:102: Tcl command execution failed: prereq matlab
  7. Similarly, if a module conflicts with another module, they can't both be loaded at the same time:
    user@perf-hpc01:/util/modules$ module load minc-toolkit
    user@perf-hpc01:/util/modules$ module load freesurfer
    freesurfer/5.3.0(5):ERROR:150: Module 'freesurfer/5.3.0' conflicts with the currently loaded module(s) 'minc-toolkit/1.9.11'
    freesurfer/5.3.0(5):ERROR:102: Tcl command execution failed: conflict minc-toolkit